2018 Moving Day Twin Cities Kickoff Party

Join us to kick-off 2018 Moving Day Twin Cities. We invite you to celebrate past success and energize the community around this spring’s Moving Day. You’ll hear exciting updates about the Parkinson’s Foundation and hear directly from community members about how Parkinson’s Moving Day is making a difference in their Parkinson’s journey. You’ll also have a chance to get a sneak peek at incentives, take team pictures before the event, and receive materials to raise funds and awareness to support the Parkinson’s Foundation mission. Come out to get your team started or to learn more about the Foundation, and make a difference in our community! Being a part of Parkinson’s Moving Day Twin Cities is your chance to unite in the fight against Parkinson’s disease.

Date: Thursday, March 1, 2018

Time: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

4580 Victoria Street North
Shoreview, MN 55126

If you’d like to attend this event you can RSVP online.

RSVP at www.parkinson.org/TCKickoff

Moving Day has raised nearly $45 million and brought more than 186,000 participants together.