Move Your Way for the Fall Moving Day @ Home Season

To be a part of the Fall Moving Day experience, all you need is your phone, a pair of headphones, and your favorite athletic shoes. Participating virtually in Moving Day allows you to support our community from your favorite walking path, most scenic hiking spot, or even your living room! Celebrate movement with thousands across the country as we support our common goal – to beat Parkinson’s Disease.

All virtual participants can now access our Fall 2023 programming! This includes our We Move Ceremony, where we connect with participants throughout the U.S. and celebrate the Moving Day season with stories from individuals in our community and information on PD. After the ceremony, access the fall Moving Day @ Home Spotify playlist, where you will find our audio broadcast and plenty of motivation music. Remember, you can access this playlist as often as you want and share with friends and family to help us spread awareness.

Looking to personalize your Moving Day experience? Whether you’re an individual participant, or participating in a team, there are several ways to celebrate Moving Day @ Home and make this season a memorable experience. To help you with inspiration for your own experience, here are some ideas that other Moving Day @ Home participants are doing this year.

Moving Day @ Home at Your Local Park

Reserve a pavilion, or find a grassy spot with plenty of space and picnic tables, and invite your family and friends to a Moving Day picnic or Bar-B-Que! Movement ideas can include a group yoga session, active yard games, or frisbee golf.

Moving Day @ Home on the Trail

Grab a group of friends, or make it a solo adventure, and hit your favorite hiking trail or nature path. Movement ideas can include walking/hiking or biking! Celebrate your movement with brunch (or lunch) at a special spot.

Moving Day @ Home – in Your Actual Home

Invite your family and friends over to watch the We Move Ceremony (available starting September 23rd) and get your movement in together. Movement ideas can include a neighborhood walk or even a dance party in the living room!

No matter how you choose to move, make sure you’re including plenty of fun. Share your movement experience with the Parkinson’s Foundation by snapping a photo and using the hashtag #MovingDay@Home. We love to see how our community members are making this Moving Day season their own!

For more information on Moving Day @ Home, contact Shanna Feldmann at or click here to go to the event page.

Moving Day has raised $50.2 million and brought more than 202,000 participants together.