Welcome the 2024 Planning Committee!

We’re excited to introduce our 2024 Moving Day NC Triangle Committee Members!

• Tom and Cyndi Goerke
• Joanna Byrnes
• Kathleen and Ben Gleiter
• Jennifer Lane Lehr
• Joanna Griffith
• Deegan Mundy
• Claudia Black

The Moving Day NC Triangle Planning Committee is comprised of community members who are local to the NC Triangle area and have a passion for helping the local Parkinson’s community. These individuals are hard at work to make 2024 the best year yet, including spreading the word, contacting local community organizations, securing vendors and planning exciting, new activities!

If you are interested in joining the Planning Committee or would like to volunteer on November 2 at the event, please contact Morgan Gilbert at mgilbert@parkinson.org or 904-506-4228.

Moving Day has raised nearly $45 million and brought more than 186,000 participants together.