What an event, what a day, what a community!

On behalf of the thousands of people living with Parkinson’s Disease and their care partners that we serve in New Jersey, we would like to thank everyone who participated in Moving Day New Jersey 2018.

What a beautiful day we had! The sun shone bright for all the amazing work each and every one of you put into this incredible event! With all your dedication, we have raised over $121,000 towards fighting Parkinson’s!

Many thanks to each of our sponsors for their support, to our dedicated committee members and volunteers who gave their time and talent, and to our passionate and driven team captains, and team members who brought us over our goal! Our inaugural event has been a huge success because all of you!

Sending each of you our heartfelt appreciation for helping the Parkinson’s Foundation make life better for people living with Parkinson’s.

If you were not able to be a part of Moving Day New Jersey this year, or want to do more, it’s not too late! We are still accepting donations! Please send checks and matching gift forms to:

Parkinson’s Foundation
ATTN Moving Day New Jersey/Nahid Wardeh
200 SE 1
st Street, Suite 800
Miami, FL 33131

Moving Day has raised nearly $45 million and brought more than 186,000 participants together.