Together we can make a difference!

RECENTLY, ROSS the Boss Salons has reconnected with the Parkinson’s Foundation – partnering with them to help spread awareness and raise money for both those battling the disease, as well as sharing support for the caretakers. This connection is near and dear to us as a company because our founder, Ross Badgett III, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s around five years ago. For our Vice President, Patricia Howard, Ross’s diagnosis hit very close to home – she watched her grandfather battle the disease many decades ago. With the improvements in care and research towards a cure by the Parkinson’s Foundation, the difference between her grandfather’s fight and Ross III’s fight is night and day due to an advancement in medicines and how much more available help there is for Parkinson’s patients today versus when Patricia’s grandfather became ill.

In the past, Ross the Boss Salons has been involved with the Parkinson’s Foundation through various events, and today, we find ourselves again offering our support not only for the organization, but to those we know and love that are fighting the disease. Ross the Boss is participating in the Moving Day Knoxville event hosted by the Parkinson’s Foundation on April 22 in honor of Ross Badgett III. We invite the community to help us raise money for patients right here in East Tennessee, and we’d love to see everyone out at the event sharing their Parkinson’s story with us. Our desire to support one another as a family inside our company and in our community was instilled by Ross III and it is our honor to continue to help where and as much as we can.

Learn more about Ross the Boss at or call (865) 966-7799.

Moving Day has raised $50.2 million and brought more than 202,000 participants together.