I've joined Moving Day, A Walk for Parkinson's, to honor people living with Parkinson's, those who love them and those that are working to end this disease.
As many of you may know, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2009. Once I learned that exercise was the best thing I could do for myself, I started working out at a gym for people with Parkinson’s called Rock Steady Boxing. Since then, I have worked out faithfully at this gym and seen my symptoms slow down a bit. February 14, 2023 I received DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) which has given me relief from many of the symptoms I was experiencing.
My passion has always been educating the community about Parkinson’s disease. I have worked for the last 3 years as an Ambassador for the Parkinson’s Foundation. It is the place where you can find everything you need to know about Parkinson’s. My job right now is to reach out to people with Parkinson‘s and educate them about the real issues that come about when someone with Parkinson’s is hospitalized. This keeps me busy and I enjoy every minute of it!
Every dollar I raise goes a long way in helping the Parkinson's Foundation fulfill its mission of improving the lives of the one million Americans with Parkinson's. Please support me in this fight by making a donation. Your generosity will help raise awareness, more funding and more understanding of a disease that affects so many of our family and friends.
Together, let's make a life-changing difference!
Thank you!
I made a personal donation!
I earned a Moving Day T-shirt!
$250 Fundraising Level - I earned a Campfire Mug!
$500 Fundraising Level - I earned an Umbrella!
$1,000 Fundraising Level - I'm in the All Star Movers Club!