Since my Parkinson’s diagnosis three years ago, I have been thankful to remain healthy and active through a combination of medication, regular vigorous exercise (including twice-a-week basketball) and other forms of physical therapy.
Amy and I are participating in “Moving Day, A Walk for Parkinson's” to help raise money for the Parkinson's Foundation — which raises and disperses funds to help people live well with this disease. Among other things, the Parkinson’s Foundation helps fund research into new medications, therapies and an eventual cure.
Every dollar raised goes a long way in helping the Parkinson's Foundation fulfill its mission of improving the lives of the one million Americans living with Parkinson’s disease.
Please support this fight by making a donation. Together, let's make a life-changing difference!
Thank you!
I made a personal donation!
I earned a Moving Day T-shirt!
$250 Fundraising Level - I earned a Campfire Mug!
$500 Fundraising Level - I earned an Umbrella!
$1,000 Fundraising Level - I'm in the All Star Movers Club!