
THANK YOU Moving Day North LA!

We're grateful to have many, many people to thank! Join us in thanking our sponsors, presenters, committee, volunteers, and...

Join us in thanking KHTS AM/FM!

Join us in thanking KHTS AM/FM, the Hometown Station, for sponsoring the Parkinson's Foundation Moving Day North LA event here in Santa...

Welcome Henry Mayo’s Carolyn Watling, PT!

Join us in welcoming Carolyn Watling, physical therapist at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, as our walk warm up presenter! After graduating from Eastern Washington University in Spokane, WA, she...

Join us in thanking KHTS AM/FM!

Join us in thanking KHTS AM/FM, the Hometown Station, for sponsoring the Parkinson's Foundation Moving Day North LA event here in Santa...

CEO John L. Lehr, talks to healtheo360!

Host Dave Duplay interviews John L Lehr, CEO of the Parkinson's Foundation, who speaks about the challenges faced by those with PD, and what the Parkinson's Foundation is doing to help raise...


Moving Day Tampa Bay has exceeded its goal of $200,000! On behalf of the thousands of people living with Parkinson’s Disease and their care partners we serve in the Tampa Bay area, we would like...